Mobile school was a blessing to many, including us.

“We were waiting for an opportunity to return to serve in the mission field in San Lorenzo and Oromomo and God answered our prayers…


The Lord gave us the opportunity, however this time supporting the education of school-age children and youth. At first, before we began there were obstacles and restrictions for the school environments, but God allowed us to go ahead, and we had classes outdoors, in the church and available rooms. As the classes went outdoors, we had to cut small boards to use as desks. We also completed all the biosecurity measures, for teachers and students. Spending 4 hours a day with the children was a great blessing, since we got to know them better and were able to share God’s love with them and were able to teach them with patience and dedication. God was also shaping each of us as we studied His Word and it was a very blessed time. Every student took (kept) a bit of our hearts. We give glory and thanks to God for all students, and we hope that God's love will reach their families. During this time, there were 3 people baptized, and 2 of them were students. That fills us with joy and praise to God.” - Ivan and Cendy, ITM Missionaries


As in many places around the world, schools here in Bolivia shut down due to COVID19. Since the students in Oromomo had lost one full year of school, the community there asked ITM if we would be willing to come in for a few months to do a mobile school. This gave the children the opportunity to continue on with their education and strengthen areas where they were lacking. It also presented an opportunity to share the Gospel with them. The students would have classes from Monday through Friday and the normal subjects (math, language, reading etc.) were taught. Also every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, there was a children’s program in the afternoon where they would play games, sing songs, and be taught Bible Stories. And Sundays, there were youth programs as well. The school created a neat way for the Gospel to be shared through words and actions.

“Well one of the things that God has been teaching me was patience, because the first few weeks it was hard for me to be patient, but the Lord was shaping my character and teaching me to be kind to the children always. I love spending time with kids but there was something inside of me that was making it difficult to show a lot of expression. But as the time went on, I got used to it and I liked to teach a lot.” - Martha Mamani, ITM Missionary

Julie Murrin